Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reconciliations, by Susan Elizabeth Ball (Oak Tara)

A delicately written, but thought-provoking, story of lost love regained, and lost souls reconciled.

Ms. Ball has crafted a story that walks a thin line, and does it well.  In Reconciliations, you'll encounter a full and honest treatment of significant moral issues--the author does not shy away from the reality of our world--but in a way that doesn't slap you in the face, or deliberately shock your sensibilities.

Kevin is an honest, but worldly, man who appears quite unlucky in love. His wife, Christine, left him after adulterating their marriage with multiple affairs. The woman he dated for several months is now engaged to another man. And don't even ask about the most recent woman to enter his life!

Christine, a broken product of a dysfunctional family, continues in the way of the lost, rebounding from relationship to relationship, until one goes horribly wrong and she ends up in the hospital. Through Divine intervention (what the world sometimes misconstrues as 'coincidence') Christine and Kevin are thrown back together again, her welfare now dependent upon her ex-husband's--shall we say "reluctant" as an understatement?--care.

Enter Mark and Janet Vinson, and the congregation of Riverside Christian Fellowship, and the plot both deepens and softens into a genuine exhibition of Christian benevolence. Kevin and Christine must now deal not only with the turmoil of the unexpected return into each other's lives, but the inescapable and unyielding love of people committed to a faith neither Kevin nor Christine understand.

The tagline on the back cover promises, "A heart-warming story of a powerful love..." And that promise is kept between the pages of Reconciliations, the second in Ms. Ball's "Restored Hearts" series.

More about the author and this book can be found at

Reconciliations was provided by the publisher free for this review. But then, I'd have purchased it anyway.


Millie Samuelson said...

So many great-looking reads on your site here, Bruce! Once I get moved and resettled, I'll check back and read some of them. But just reading your reviews helps satisfy my reading "hunger"! Even when I don't comment (most of the time, alas). . . :-)

Bruce Judisch said...

Hey, Millie! Always good to hear from you. Let me know how your move goes.

Hopefully, I can pick back up on my reading and my review with a little more regularity now. :-)

Cheers! Bruce